Mahnaz Mentor Coaching


Services Bilingual, Farsi and English

Virtual Mentor Coaching- Video Call 

In person Consulting 

Life Plans/Alterations

Personalized Success Plans 

Past Life Event Decoding/Processing

Goal Setting- SMART


Guided Meditation 


Identity Coaching

Transition Support

Relationship Coaching

Educational Coaching

Future Life Manifestation

Mood Coaching

Happiness Coaching

Transitions such as marriage, divorce, widowhood, medical, parenting etc 

Support person 


Ghost Writer 


Telephone Mentor Coaching

Debriefing Events/Diagnosis/Treatment Plans

Medical Journey Coaching

Sleep Cycling Detailing

Weight Watching/Diet Coaching

Health Plan Monitoring/Creation Manifestation

Personality Crystallization Coaching

Reiki Support

Grief Coaching

Stage Coaching

Project Based Coaching

Live visit to work office, business meetings, family events can be prearranged with Mahnaz

Accompaniment to crucial life events as support person or witness to events and crucial appointments

Life Plan Management

Health Coaching

Stress Management Coaching

Performance Coaching

End of Life Coaching

Forward Motion Coaching

Life Satisfaction Coaching

Career Coaching